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Your Source for Meaningless, Incomprehensible Scribble.

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V 2.0!!

  That's right, loyal readers, PureDrivel.20m.com has now entered version 2.0! What does this mean? Nothing. Will this change anything about the site? No. Does 2.0 relate in any small way to anything new about this site, or any evidence that I've not just slapped on a technical sounding title in the hopes that you, the audience will be impressed with my computer know how? Sadly, no. So scrap that.


  But wait, you(meaning you) ask, "haven't you (meaning me)already done something about school, and didn't it stink?". Well yes and yes. Touche. You are obviously on smaller amounts of hallucinogens than I expected.


  Now wait, before you say something we'll both regret, yes, I realize that this is a horrible, unfunny topic, and will go nowhere. You think you're so smart. But AHA! I've actually outsmarted YOU! All things on this site are horrible, unfunny, and go nowhere, you obviously didn't read the disclaimer.


  All material on this site is unfunny, horrible, and recycled, even this joke, copied from the disclaimer on the front page, which actually isn't there! HA!

Small Victories for Adam.

-20% of girls in school acknowledge his existance. Other 80% don't know what they're missing. At least that's what he tells himself to ease the pain.
-Finished Moby Dick. Take that Grade 1 teacher!
-Crossed busy street w/o holding parent's hand.
-Has Social Insurance Number. Ergo Government acknowledges his existance.
-Used big scissors and glue all by himself. Take that supervisor!
-Glued gaping wounds closed all by himself. Take that doctor!
-Won three consecutive rounds of Rock/Paper/Scissors.
-Learned about moebius strips in a book, and made his own. See V.2.0.