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Personally, I Think Fun Is Highly Overrated*

  No really. You people, always talking about how much "fun" you had doing something, or how "fun" it's going to be today, have you ever stopped to think that maybe some of us don't care about "fun". That we might not need "happiness", or "gaiety" to have an enjoyable time. And if even it is an enjoyable time, well we don't need that either. You see?

  And it's not like having no fun ever made anyone's life any less than not terrible. Look at the guys below. Newton. Roosevelt. Van Gogh. Lived horrible lives. Chopped their ears off to sell more paintings. Were bludgeoned over the head by falling fruit. Attacked at Pearl Harbour. Subsequently died. Look where it got them. Dead yes, but also famous. Famous, respected, studied, rotting, but mainly famous, and all without "fun". Did they mind this lack of high spirits? No! Sure they're obviously miserable, and most likely depressed, but they're not unhappy about it. ... Wait ... Yeah ... that's what I meant. Yeah.

  And what's with all this hoopla about having "friends". Ooh, I need someone to talk to, or I'm a sad, pathetic loser who has no friends. What good have friends ever done anyone? Don't give me that "moral support" jazz, or the "proof you're not a sad, pathetic loser who has no friends" line. Nobody likes me, and I'm fine with that. You don't see me crying in public that much over the lack of a few companions, a couple of people to discuss important issues or just hang out and have a good time with. I've got my computer, and my lingering sense of abandonment and self-doubt and that's all I need.

  Able had a friend. And so did Mercutio, and Bambi's mother and they were happy, and had now they're dead. See where friends and happiness got them? Slain, slain, and slain again.

  So go on, you people who "enjoy life" and "have friends" and "aren't depressed", and go and have your fun, and do things. Have your "lives". See if I care. You think I can't have a dull time by myself just sitting alone and by myself and unhappy and alone? Huh? Huh?


*About this article: It's meant in the spirit of attemped but sure too fail humour only, please don't send a guidance counsellor a knockin' at my door, with his Rorschatt tests, and his questions. If you have any questions or comments, please see the "I'm Sorry" section. Also, I apologize for the number of quotation marks used. I didn't plan it that way, they just sort of appeared.