• Click your heels together three times and wish really hard!
  • Reset your ISP server to the serial code contained in your computer's memory under the file marked thisisareallybadviruswhichwilldestroyyourcomputer.exe
  • Cry.
  • Just go to a different page. What's so special about this one?
  • Format your hard drive. No really, trust me, it might work.
  • Your computer may be too heavy to open the page. Remove any cups or papers you have placed on top, and remove any disks from the drives.
  • Reset your computer under No Errors mode.
  • The computer Gods may be displeased with you. Sacrifice a lamb.
  • Steal a computer from a complete stranger and then click the Refresh button.
  • Realize that it is you, not the computer that is has erred, and troubleshoot yourself.
  • Send me three twenty dollar bills, a couple fifties, and any spare change you have in you pockets. Then press ctrl + F5.

    Cannot find server or DNS Error
    Internet Explorer