Director's Commentary:

  ....Whew. I wrote this article one night over a bottle of cheap wine and a collection of disco LP's, and below a drunken fog and cacaphony of guitar solos. This paragraph was written around 1:00 in the morning, the whole crew was getting pretty angry. We were out in the middle of the Scottish Highlands, just completing a week-long marathon of writing, and spirits were pretty low. I had origianlly intended to flesh out that bit about the shiny bits of metal into a whole other paragraph, I'd had Jack our thesaurus guy spend the last four hours looking up appropriate synonyms for 'shiny', but then Bill, who takes care of our adverbs, decided he'd had enough, threw down his notepad, and hitched a ride back into town. Well, you can believe this didn't go over well with the entire crew, and drastic action needed to be taken to salvage the situation, or the entire article would be down the drain and I'd be seven paragraphs short of my quoata for the week.

  Making the best of a bad situation, I had our gag guys whip together some paltry jokes about ruling mice and dangerous traps, most of which was just copied from a previous article, did some quick editing to make it flow, and told the guys to pack it in for the night, we'd hack together a few closing paragraphs on the plane back to Canada. Looking back on this article, this entire site, really, I realize now we've only ever had maybe two, possibly three jokes, and just switched them around for each article. Ah well, it's not like the public'll ever notice, the sorry bunch of....