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I'm Sorry

Blatant Lies and Absolute Falsehoods

Some of you may not realise it, for reasons ranging from illiteracy to actual lives, but the printing of this article will mark my fourth publication in the school paper, a milestone of note by any standards. It's been a long, arduous process, and yes, I have suffered to produce the 2000+ words of mine you will have read by the bottom of this page, but I truly feel that it has been worth it.

Granted, they were short, unbalanced, and few made any semblance of sense, but they were pure, and true, and hopefully, touched your heart as much as they did mine. I poured my soul into those two articles, three if you count the one I actually didn't pour my soul into, and carefully sculpted them with perseverance, chiselled them with acceptance, polished them with hope, and packaged them with styrofoam, to be experienced by you.

But I was not unscathed by this rapid escalator ride to the top. And I was very much scathed by the cable-snapping elevator plummet to the bottom. Fame came quickly to me, in the varied forms of Peabody awards, Caldcott medals, and Tom Collins mix, and I'm not ashamed to say that it changed me, perhaps, nay definitely, not for the better. Success lost me several close friends, and made me new, rich ones, and frankly, I cannot help but that I'm only slightly better off. Looking back, I realise now that for several weeks, I was drunk partially on my own power, and only through the support of several highly-paid friends and colleagues was I able to put back together the broken shards of my once-innocent life. To those I insulted, annoyed, and injured, I can only offer my deepest, heartfelt apology, and demand your most sincere forgiveness.

I'm older, but wiser. I tasted bittersweet success, saline failure, and expensive escargot by the bucket-full. I prefer the success. It had a nutty, earthy after-taste, that cleansed the palate, inviting further indulgence. I'd recommend it with a dry white wine, a '67 Cabernet if I may be so bold?

And what have I learned from my experiences? Little, excluding accepted rules for cock-fighting, but that little will undoubtedly work it's way into future issues, deepening, enriching, and shallowing my craft, and product. Now, as I wistfully wipe a growing tear of contentment and expectation from the corner of my eye, and rub it off on my pant leg amongst innumerable other stains, I cannot help but look forward, with hope and shades of fear, to possibly another four articles to come, although who knows where the subsequent, adventures would take me? I only hope they will be able to swing by my place, 'cause the man's calling for closing time, and I need a ride home.