Behind The Scenes:

The computer, whereupon our writers toil and strive to create humour that is both topical, hard-hitting, and above all, hilarious.

The keyboard our award winning writers use to input the jokes and code that make famous for being topical, hard-hitting, and above all, hilarious.

The mouse our practically immortal writers move around and click with to manipulate the humour on the screen whereupon our writers toil and strive to create humour that is both topical, hard-hitting, and above all, hilarious, to make humour that is topical, hard-hitting, and above all, hilarious.

The humour that is topical, hard-hitting, and above all, hilarious. Some say it looks like a wad of crumpled up paper, and some like a fluffy cloud. Such is humour, indistinct, ethereal, and indescribeable. Whatever it may be seen as, it does posesses one quality which cannot be denied. It's hilariousness.